New Years Revelation

So all my friends are posting their New Year’s Writing Resolutions. And here I am, coffee and stuffed French toast, and I realized that writing-wise, I’m in a good place.

I mean, I’m always learning and trying to improve, but really I’m good. I wished I had finished the finale of the final series, still it’s moving along. I’m still very ahead of schedule, with a lot of raw material to work with. Over a year’s worth of publishing in fact, with another three stories in mind for a Hedge Doctor sequel.

I’m ahead on my covers. I’ve accepted that I’ll be doing movie poster parodies for the final Mina and Matty series (the gods help me. This will be worse than the Warhol covers in terms of trying my sanity and pushing my abilities.). For whatever reason, I’m stuck on the idea.

For now, this train is going to just keep chugging on…

Am I the only one who thinks that these things are terrifying?

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